Porn Healing Intensive (PHI)

Plug Back Into Life!


5-Day or 2-Day Intensive Internet Pornography and Sexual Addiction Treatment Program

Dr. David Greenfield, Founder, The Center for Internet and Technology Addictionsm


A foremost leader in the treatment of Internet, cybersexual and sextechsm addiction, Dr. Greenfield has created an Intensive 5-Day (4 hours per day) and 2-Day (8-10 hours per day) accelerated drive/fly-in treatment program.  During the Intensive, each participant works on a one-to-one basis with Dr. Greenfield to address their compulsive and addictive Internet/Sexual Addiction problem.


The purpose of the program is to utilize established and cutting-edge treatment protocols developed by Dr. Greenfield to treat and heal their problem:


  • Assess/diagnose addictive Internet and sextechsm use and behaviors—establish a virtual addictionsm   behavior pattern.
  • Detail psychosocial, sexual and medical history.
  • Address underlying and concomitant psychological and psychiatric issues that might be contributing to the addiction cycle.
  • Evaluate other addictive and compulsive behavior patterns, e.g. substances, alcohol, food, gambling, video games, etc.
  • Analyze early cross-wired sexual arousal patterns, precocious stimulation, Internet sex exposure, history of use of pornography, and early patterns of sexual acting-out and behavior.
  • Review of any overt or covert sexual abuse history.
  • Identify patterns of porn/sex addiction: look at specific use/abuse patterns and cycles.
  • Understand established triggers for use and acting-out found in the addictive pattern; desensitize trigger response patterns using various psychological, physiological, and EMDR strategies.
  • Examine and understand how Psychobiological factors and the Procreative Force sm compel porn use and sexual addiction and how to manage/limit, and control the impact of arousal and desires.
  • Understand the split between overt sexualization and pornificationsm of sexuality in today’s culture and how the covert fear, shame, and guilt can lead to sexually compulsive, addictive, and dysfunctional behaviors.
  • Assess guilt and shame patterns in the addiction cycle.
  • Address the negative social and interpersonal consequences of sexually addictive behavior.
  • Re-train the cycle of urges and cravings. Learn how to manage sexual disequilibrium and re-gain homeostasis (balance). Learn to manage and titrate sexual energy and arousal and to metabolize sexual arousal.
  • Understand the basic principles of sexual/hypersexual arousal and the need to discharge sexual energy.
  • Develop an understanding of the basic hormonal and neurochemical contributions to addiction and sexual behavior; learn how the Amygdala in the brain and the neurotransmitter dopamine operate to facilitate this addictive cycle.
  • Understand the role of stress as a trigger and how elevated levels of the neurohormone cortisol can increase addictive behavior.
  • Work with the neurobiology of addiction to create changes in these deep patterns of behavior and neural habit patternssm)through the use of EMDR technology.
  • Learn concepts of people, places, and things and a deeper understanding of unconscious trigger patterns and how to change those patterns that feed the addictive cycle.
  • Identify community resources and supports, including various 12-step and other support options; discuss options for professional follow-up and therapy.
  • Develop a relapse prevention plan and develop support strategies and crisis techniques to prevent or address relapse.
  • Address and develop plans for impacted social, vocational and marital/family relationships.
  • Develop computer/Smartphone and other technology blocks/filters/monitors to help limit access to porn and sexual content.
  • Create a real-time life plan to “plug back in life.”
  • Discuss porn abstinence vs. moderated use: pros and cons.
  • Explore the use of the Real-Time 100 listsm: they identity 100 non-tech things they can do and attempt to try as many as possible during or after the treatment program.
  • Learn to develop healthy conscious sexuality and sexuality behavior toward self and in relationship or marriage.ddd

Particular attention is paid to the addiction cycle and the tendency to numb oneself along with feelings of shame, isolation, and guilt–as well as the negative consequences from the addictive behavior pattern. We also examine other contributing variables including the neurophysiology of Internet, porn/sexual and technology addiction and how to use brain-behavior strategies to understand and control problematic Internet behavior.

Dr. Greenfield, with the help of therapeutic strategies, such as EMDR® will help identify and desensitize urges and cravings for overuse and abuse, reduce over-dependence on the problematic sexual behaviors, and help heal underlying distress and anxieties that might be contributing to the Internet addiction pattern. Whether you’re having marital or relationship problems, your school performance is suffering, your job performance has worsened, or you have encountered legal or financial repercussions–this program may be for you.

The intensive program is designed with approximately 20 hours of personalized therapy and strategies to jump start what months of traditional weekly treatment might otherwise accomplish. Follow-up and post-program sessions are available and recommended and may be done in person, by Skype, or by telephone. The brief intensive nature allows you to get the help you need and return to your life with minimal disruption of your work, school, or family life.

The goal of our program is to provide palpable and effective focused strategies that are targeted to your Internet pornography or sexual or sexual addiction problem. We often recommend close family involvement with parents, spouses or significant others, as we recognize the involvement and impact an addiction can have on one’s family and intimate relationships.

Utilizing techniques from Imago Therapy®, we can help facilitate and repair communications between spouses or family members in an effective and efficient manner. The skills that will be learned during the intensive program will go on to serve the participants in managing both their Internet and technology addiction symptoms as well their overall happiness and psychological functioning. We also have the ability, with our technical staff, to set up effective blocks, filters, and monitoring systems to help control your problematic Internet use. The idea is to delay, however briefly, the ease of access and availability to utilize problematic web behavior, such as pornography, cybersex, and gaming.

5-day vs. 2-Day Program: The main difference between the two programs is the intensity. Some people prefer to spread it over 5 days while others may be able or need to get through the process in 2 longer days. Both programs are essentially similar and offer lunch breaks and adequate bathroom breaks. The 5-day program allows a more gradual presentation and integration of the content and materials.

With both programs, the costs are similar and determined by the amount of time spent with Dr. Greenfield and computed accordingly. Insurance documentation may be provided for you at your request for you to submit to your health insurance carrier although we cannot guarantee coverage. All program participation requires an initial in-person or telephone consultation (as well as completion of some paperwork); after an initial consultation is completed, and it is determined that the program is a good fit for you or your child, a program date can be selected and reserved. Upon reservation, the fees for the program are due to hold your place. Further details regarding changes and cancellation policy will be provided at a later date.

For further information on the program, including setting up an initial in-person or telephone consultation or to discuss costs, please contact Dr. Greenfield by phone at 860-561-8727 or email at

Copyright, 2013. Dr. David Greenfield. The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction. All Rights Reserved. Plug Back Into Life!SM

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If you have questions about Internet addiction or would like more information on technology use and abuse, please contact us.