Virtual Addiction: Digital Media, Internet, and Technology Addictions: Clinical Issues and Explorations with Dr. David Greenfield

5.75 Hour Professional Training Workshop

An effective training series for Behavioral Health Professionals.

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  • “We say and do things less cautiously online and we do things we might not ordinarily do.”
  • “Information is available with no boundaries there is always another link, email, or website so we keep looking until we find something more or better.”
  • “This is the first time in history where a generation has more knowledge than its predecessors.”
  • “Kids and Adolescents see the world from a perspective of instant access and availability; they have little ability to see the need for process and delay of gratification.”
  • “8-10% of American Youth Abuse or are Addicted to Video/Computer Use.”
In this almost six-hour educational training series for behavioral health clinicians by Dr. David Greenfield, the founder of The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, you will receive a general introduction into the history, theory, research, and clinical/treatment issues associated with Internet and Digital Technology Addiction with a focus on definitions and illustrations of some compulsive patterns and the clinical implications of treating such individuals. Also discussed are some of the broader psychosocial aspects of sex, gaming, and the Internet as well as Facebook, texting, and the particular issues of Generation D’s use of digital technology. You will be introduced to how the unique characteristics of the Internet and other digital media technologies synergize the Internet’s addictive potential thus leading to compulsive use and addictive patterns.

What makes all these technologies so addictive?

What is the theory underlying compulsive Internet and digital media behavior, e.g. why are these technologies addictive?

You will learn about sexual and gaming addiction, compulsion, and the cross connections to digital online media abuse and achieve a familiarity with basic definitions, theory, clinical issues and relevant research on cybersex and online sexual behavior and addiction.

You will be able to recognize potential signs and symptoms of compulsive use of social media and texting and understand how to examine generational issues and factors.

Included is a discussion of basic treatment and clinical concepts, and future trends and issues, as well as explanations of filtering and blocking methodologies.


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As a behavioral health practitioner, download Virtual Addiction: Digital Media, Internet, and Technology Addictions: Clinical Issues and Explorations to learn more about:

Part One


  • You know you have an Internet problem when…
  • What is an addiction? And is this the best word to use?
  • Digital Media Attractiveness = Internet/Technology Addiction potential
  • Why is the Internet addictive and easily over-used /abused?
  • Biopsychosocial Addiction Cycle

Part Two

Why the Internet Is So Seductive

  • Many factors contribute to the power of the Internet
  • The Internet = The World’s Biggest Slot Machine
  • Emerging trends
  • The Internet, and particularly, gaming operate on a novelty & variable ratio reinforcement schedule and are therefore highly resistant to extinction

Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Warning signs of Child/Adolescent Digital Technology Use/Abuse
  • Evolution in the Treatment of Internet-mediated problems
  • Treatment Considerations, Techniques and Interventions

Part Three

Sex and The Internet

  • Why the Internet is so sexual
  • Features of Internet-Enabled Sexual Behavior
  • A Brief History of Pornography and Cybersex
  • Cybersex, Cyber Infidelity, and Cyber Affairs, and Compulsive Sexual Behavior
  • Assessment & Differential Diagnosis
  • Treatment Options

If you have found your patients struggling with how to handle and address their screen use, this video will leave you informed on the basics of Internet and gaming addiction, and give you the tools to help your patients make important changes in their lifestyles.

With this professional video course you will:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the theory underlying compulsive Internet and digital media behavior, e.g. why are these technologies addictive?
  • Address general issues with sexual and gaming addiction, compulsion, and the cross-connection to digital online media.
  • Achieve a familiarity with basic definitions, theory, clinical issues and relevant research on cybersex and online sexual behavior and addiction.
  • Recognize potential signs and symptoms of compulsive use of social media and texting and examine generational issues and factors.
  • Learn how to implement basic treatment and clinical concepts.
  • Learn about future trends and issues.

Testimonial about this informative series for Professionals:

The power of the Internet combined with the seductive nature of cybersex presents a unique breeding ground for addictive behavior to flourish. It is imperative that our culture understand the importance of utilizing this new medium with balance and perspective in order to maximize the beneficial potential of cyberspace.

Dr. Greenfield has presented us with an excellent and much-needed resource to help web surfers avoid Internet pitfalls as well as climb out of virtual addiction for those already cyber-trapped.”

– Donna Rice Hughs, author of “Kids Online: Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace”, Vice-President of “Enough is Enough”, and Commissioner for Child Online Protection Commission


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